Word In Your Ear: The Killjoy Effect
By Rob Wynne
In which we explore caring about things, not caring about
things, the space between the two, and how to avoid occupying it.
Streaming Chat Shows
At the links below you can find archives of the live-streaming
chat shows run by the Director of HallowCon and myself. WARNING:
Contains Language!
Showrunner: Joe McKeel
This show is best described as a group of friends
hanging out
at a science fiction/fandom convention in the hotel lobby/bar and
chatting with everyone that walks up. We may even have a guest or two.
We start out with no topic. We spend two hours chatting and reading
comments. Many times we never know what we will talk about but we cover
many topics. Many times a viewer tosses out a comments and we will
chase it down the rabbit hole.
But rest assured we had fun and hopefully you do too.
Brought to you by Hallowcon, Stupid O'clock, and
Rising Tide Productions.
Showrunner: Dan L. Hollifield
A late night, after-hours chat show. The guests
featured are
SF&F writers, artists, musicians, comic book creators, SMOFs,
and members of fandom in general.
Usually, It either starts off slow and boring and picks up speed as
guests join in, or it continues on at full speed from whatever
discussion was in progress on Stupid O'clock when that show ended. This
thing can go on for hours once it gets rolling. Guests are welcome to
join at any time, but trolls will be punted for field goals. The
content is somewhat PG, or even more adult, but is intended to be
entertainment for reasonably adult audiences.
Brought to you by Aphelion Webzine, Hallowcon, Stupid O'clock, and
Rising Tide Productions.
All music composed and copyrighted by Dan L. Hollifield, 2022.