Aphelion Issue 299, Volume 28
October 2024
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Aphelion Editorial 017

October/November 1998

by Dan L. Hollifield

Welcome back for our 18th issue!

OK, we're going to update the submissions Addresses. I'm now asking that short story submissions please be sent to Cary Semar and serialized stories to Martin Delgado-Scott, poetry to Kim Holec, material for the features to Rob, general mail and editorial stuff to me. Now all of these are brand new addresses, so please take note. I'll repeat them on the submissions guidelines page and at the bottom of this page.

Please remember to check out "Bruno the Bandit" each day as cartoonist Ian McDonald uploads a new comic strip. Ian is letting us showcase his comic strip six days a week! You'll find the URL in the Features Section lower in this page.

The Lettercol is back!

Click on the banner below to access the Lettercol once again. Remember, this is set up to act like a Newsgroup- you can reply to individual entries.

Tell us what you think in Aphelion's Lettercol!

I'd like to thank those of you who have sent e-mails or signed the Guestbook for your feedback. Keep those messages coming, folks! Without those messages we will never know what we need to improve upon. Hope you like the improvements so far!

We had 2509 Readers visit Aphelion in August & September for issue #16!
Thank you! Please keep coming back for each new issue as it goes online.

I have e-mail addresses for submissions on the following webpage- Plus lots of info that explains Aphelion's submissions guidelines:

Aphelion Submissions Guidelines

Click on the banner above to submit a story or just read the submission guidelines. Thank you all, for you make everything that happens at Aphelion worthwhile.

And now, I'll shut up and let you get to reading. Thanks again for visiting. Enjoy yourselves!


© 1998 Dan L. Hollifield

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