Aphelion Issue 299, Volume 28
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Aphelion Editorial 026

July 1999

The Senior Editor's usual drivel about whatever...

by Dan L. Hollifield

Something nice showed up in my e-mail last month. The fellow who did the artwork for the "Writer's Challenge" section sent me a message. I thought that I'd share it with you;

Dear Dan 


I am still alive and working on new works as well as you are producing you
very best work indeed,well,I shall ever be thankfull to you,in fact you may
end-up saving my life!...since a literary agent went to the Aphelion site
and contacted me! they want to represent me in the futur...well done Dan!
it pays to know...unknown! who cares about friends?...even the good
ones!...Anyway,you have done a lot for me without knowing me! fortunately,I
consider myself a fine and decent fellow,I hope that your friend who had
some problems is Ok and in good spirit! Shall the sound of total victory
bless our soul forever!...Hell with anguish! feel free to use some of my
stuff,free of charge,(only for you!) and let me know if you want better
photos or lasers,I will comply gladly.

Have a most creative and pleasant day!

Have(also),a day of unbearable joy!

Be utterly good to your writing and your health!

Daniel Hanequand,born in the city of lights.

I knew that some of the writers we've featured in Aphelion had sold their work- through their own efforts -but this is the first time I can recall that someone got an agent because the agent was one of our readers. Feels good to have helped out, even if I didn't know it at the time.

Other news; This is our Space Opera contest issue- all the short stories in this issue are entries in the contest. There are eight finalists and two semi-finalists plus some special presentations by the staff that are in the spirit of the contest, but not entries. Our top three finalists will each recieve a custom award graphic to place in their own webpages. The awards were done by myself, with input from all of Aphelion's staff. Check out the contest entries and congratulate our winners.

Thanks for your time.



© 1999 Dan L. Hollifield

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