Aphelion Issue 299, Volume 28
October 2024
Long Fiction and Serials
Short Stories
Flash Fiction
Submission Guidelines
Contact Us
Flash Writing Challenge
Dan's Promo Page

Hello and welcome to another edition of Aphelion Webzine...

Another month has come and gone as the Earth spins merrily upon its axis and plows further along its orbit around the Sun. Entropy has increased both in the physical world and in the Human Condition, as is its normal course of being. Things change, and then change even more, whilst at the same time they stay pretty much the same. The US economy seems to have started recovering, slightly. Astronomers have observed a paltry few tiny sunspots on the surface of our parent star. The phrase "Global Warming" is beginning to be supplanted by the slightly more accurate term "Climate Change" as some places on the planet get warmer and others get cooler. Politicians still prove that they couldn't be trusted with so much as a burnt-out match. Big Business still proves that businessmen desire "Tons-O'-Cash" TM while everyone else is left to make out as best as they can in these uncertain times... In short, life goes on, same as it ever was - Same as it ever was...

If things really started changing in extreme amounts, I'd start to worry that the universe was being affected by some outside force!

In July, on the 10th through the 12th, Lyn and I will be attending the 22nd LibertyCon in Chattanooga. Our reservations are made, our memberships are paid in full, and we're busy trying to figure out what parts of the convention programming we most wish to see, and what we can safely miss without missing too much of the good stuff. Shall we attend some of the room parties on Friday night? Shall we take costumes to enter the Costume Contest? Also in July, we'll be driving to Knoxville, Tennessee- and points North of there -for another Hollifield/Griffith Family Reunion. Anyone going to be near Caryville, TN. on the weekend of July 18th? We will.

As for now, Daughter Michelle and her fiancé Marc have left Casa Vila for Virginia in search of a house to buy before their baby is born next November. Lyn and I have undertaken several much-needed renovations to the house so as to be ready for ApheliCon 4 in August. I regret to announce that a new AC unit has been dropped to the bottom of our list of household upgrades. The old AC unit will have to make do for another year, unless I win the Lottery. But the good news is that the bathroom floor will be redone in time to keep any guests from falling through into the dirt underneath the house. Redoing the bathroom floor and then screening in the front porch have been moved to the top of our list of necessities. Hopefully, both projects will be finished in time for the yearly Aphelion Party.

I've updated the page of directions from Atlanta to our house for those folks who plan on attending Aphelion's 2009 party on August 22nd. The link is Directions from Atlanta

Aphelion readers and writers, Steampunk folks, neighbors, JTR Forums & Casebook Forums members, and old friends from college & the SCA are all invited. Usually, only a dozen or so people show up. A good time will be had by all- Food, drink, music on the stereo, perhaps even some Filk if Rob & Larissa feel like singing. If steampunk folks feel like holding a photoshoot, there are woods behind the house as well as plenty of space in the yard.

Because some folks who plan to attend suffer from allergies, smokers will be requested to go outdoors when they wish to indulge.

So far, the menu is:

BBQ & hash from Bill's Bar-B-Que
Hamburgers & Hotdogs on the grill
Veggies, chips, and dips as munchies
Sodas, tea, coffee, booze, etc. as drinks
Anything you wish to bring to add to the menu will be welcomed, but not required.

August 22nd, from 10 AM until you feel like leaving-

Casa Vila
751 Moons Grove Church Road
Colbert, GA 30628

Please e-mail vila (at) america (dot) net to let me know that you plan to attend, so that I can stock up on enough food and drinks. Also, please let me know about any allergies or dietary restrictions you have so that I can plan accordingly. Bringing additional food & drinks will be welcome, but not required.

As for this issue of Aphelion, we've got loads of great stories and poems, plenty of Features, and a new Flash Fiction Contest to delight you. Time for me to shut up and allow you to get to reading! Enjoy!
