Aphelion Issue 299, Volume 28
October 2024
Long Fiction and Serials
Short Stories
Flash Fiction
Submission Guidelines
Contact Us
Flash Writing Challenge
Dan's Promo Page
P&E Top Ten

Here we are in November! Ready for a new issue of Aphelion?

OK! Let's get this out of the way. Make sure to go out on Tuesday and vote if you're a US resident! I'm not going to campaign for any candidate. All I want to do is urge each of you to make your voices heard by casting your vote for whomever you choose.

I have been asked to be interviewed on an internet radio show! Right now the schedule has me set up for an hour during the evening of November 10th. There is also the possibility of a two hour interview with Stephanie Osborn and myself, together, but that is still to be decided. This show, Off The Chain, hosted by Yvonne Mason, is syndicated on a wide variety of websites. Podcasts.com, Soundcloud, and half a dozen more, so rest assured that Aphelion is going to get name-dropped all over the net, LOL!

Off The Chain with Yvonne Mason is the link on podcasts.com if you want to hear the interview. I hope many of you will tune in and give it a listen.

Also, by the time you read this I will have celebrated my 59th birthday! Another voyage around the sun completed and a new one begun. The future awaits!

Now, to get back to Aphelion!

We are rushing headlong into the special double-sized holiday issue, after which will come our next Birthday Issue. Aphelion's 20th anniversary, in fact. There will be lots of Best Of stories featured in the future, so whet your appetites for many, many blasts from the past alongside the new stories! Are you excited? I am!

As a run-up to the year-ending double issue, the staff and I are sifting through all of this year's issues to pick out our favorite stories. Of course, we will have a full slate of new stories as well. Best of all, you will have two months to savor every word, and then hopefully you will pop over to our Forums to leave comments for the writers. Please remember the Forums are how the writers can learn what readers think worked, or did not work. Your comments are vital for the writers. That feedback is how everyone learns how to become better. So please do your part and leave some comments!

Probably, now is a good time for me to shut up and let you get to. Reading! Until next time,


Mare Inebrium Anthology


First off, if you do the Facebook thing, feel free to join us on the Aphelion page there. The link is Aphelion Webzine. As an aside, the Editorial Mafia and I have found Facebook to be very useful. Given our different locations and schedules, it's come in handy as a way to discuss production details of new issues. Sometimes there are several of us using Facebook at the same time, so it's almost like the old chat room days.

My first collection of Mare Inebrium spaceport bar short stories was published in February by Dark Oak Press. It is available in both Kindle an Nook e-book formats, paperback, and hardback. I also that thre albums of instrumenal music out throgh the Create Space self-publishing website. If you like, you can click on the photo or the link below to fin all the info you would need to purchase my book in your preferred format, or an e-book of Flash of Aphelion, buy a CD of my music, or listen to tracks off of the albums on my Bandcamp website. Enjoy!

Dan's Promo Page



Giant "Twisters" in the Lagoon Nebula

Photo Credit: A. Caulet (ST-ECF, ESA) and NASA.